Free Computer Software

I'm not out to become some sort of software house, but I have a few programs that I've written that you are free to have if you want them. I will always offer the latest versions of these programs on this site.

Click on the program title to automatically FTP (File Transfer Protocol) a compressed, self-extracting copy of the program and all associated files. Your browsing program should give you the option of saving the .EXE file on your desired drive and subdirectory.

There is no registration fee for these programs. You can use them, give them to your friends, even give them to your enemies. All I ask is that if you download any of the programs, please e-mail me and let me know, just so I can see how widely they are distributed. And if you want to provide any feedback, excellent!

Again, if you download any of these programs, please e-mail me and let me know.

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